Tuesday 3 February 2009

Hi guys no comments?? Ha-Ha ok...But ok this is for me to tell "somebody" how I feel Xd...
I've sent some messages on Hi5 and I feel better xd...No really I've realized I was just stupid
u know how sometimes u just think u're doing something good and after a wihle u understand how stupid things u've done...Well...I feel like that...I realized I've made horrable mastekes and there's no way back...And now like I'm standing infront of wall and theres no way to go...
Honestly I don't know what to say anymore...Exepct PLEASE comment Xd...See this is what I'm talking about Xd...hahhaha no really if u don't want to no problem no one is telling u IF U DON'T COMMENT I'LL EAT U Xd that would be hularious... Today this is all so thank u(if there's somebody who is listening)for looking Xd...bye till again Xd

-sorry again my English is horrable...

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